Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Humans have steadily evolved over millions of years since the last age. We have continued to learn and create things that make our daily lives easier. The invention of fire, modern medicine, cars, planes, guns, missiles, pacemakers, etcetera all came from someone who sat down and decided to ask why things the way they are. Ask why can we not replace someone’s heart or why can we not fly over to other countries without a boat? Through that curiosity, we have come up with some of the amazing technology we have today. Although were not done yet. There is so much more to be discovered that has not been discovered. Humans have that natural curiosity that get us thinking why one thing this way is but cannot be this way. The goal of science is to hypothesize, research, experiment, and create a theory that proves what you were trying to discover. Everything we know are mostly theories, not everything we know has not been proven. We just some things based off the facts and research that are still debated today.

Monday afternoon Professor Brendan Riley gave a lecture on zombies. He talked about mythical, Hollywood, and philosophical zombies. The lecture was mostly clips of our favorite zombies from the past and other movies we have not seen, Professor Riley was trying to get us thinking. Why do we care so much about a made up creature that started with the Voodoo religion in the 1800s? Why does it matter that we do not know if something is the way it really is? It matters because as people were curious to find out and learn about things we have no knowledge of. There is an old saying “You think you know it all and then you find out something new and realize you know nothing.” We can know about anything and everything but find out something very new and realize we do not know s***.

I am interested and knowing why we have submarine technology but can only go so far. Less than 30% of the world’s oceans have been mapped. We can only go so far because of the limit of our technology but I have always wondered what is at the bottom. When I was little, I always thought there were lots and lots of gold at the bottom of the ocean that had not been discovered yet. I closely pay attention to news about discoveries because at that age I was hoping by time I was 18 we could walk on the ocean floor. Unfortunately, that technology does not exist yet but I hope it does soon because would you not be just as curious to find out what is down there? Are there animals?  Is there plant life? Maybe even Zombies from the Titanic!

Our imagination drives us to be more curious like Mark from Lost in Place is. Mark has always wondered what it would be like if he was accepted among his peers. He also wondered what it be like to be an actual Kung Fu master. Mark also is curious to know if he would ever be able to break down wooden boards or cement blocks. Mark is curious in finding out what he can do and wants to be able to learn the stuff he cannot do just because that is what drives him like everyone else in life.

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