But now I propose that I would try to help a cause and the world to become a better place by spreading the education that more students and people should have at least one goal to change something in our planet. By this I mean I don’t have a specific cause I would like to help fix because I don’t know enough information about a certain cause to make it any better. Like the Doctors who have been giving the lectures during our lecture sessions, they all knew a generally area they would like to cover to help make the world a better, changed place.
By educating people that they should be involved in some short of a cause to help would make a huge difference. One is because that particular person or student could be like me sitting here having no idea what they could possibly do to change the environment. Well if more awareness was spread, and people found more interest in that subject we would have more people joining us to change this world we live in.
By achieving my goal of education and grabbing more interest
form people is by starting a project that would focus on all different types of
ways to change the environment. Having a group of educators, who would go out
to elementary, middle, and high schools to talk about issues. Most students don’t
like to listen to boring lectures so find a way to make connections with the
age level we are speaking to. Creating projects that a kid would understand and
would have fun doing to keep them motivated to want to go out and change.
Face it no one wants to turn the water off to save water or
lights because a majority or people on this earth are selfish and I would be
guilty, being one of them. By starting at a young age for kids to realize how
important this is and how to make it a fun, helpful way for them to work would
be the best place to start.I know I said I don’t believe in changing the world and after writing this blog post I still don’t. But I do believe we could change the impact on projects and the importance that the education would give to help people want to work on these causes. My way to change the world might not save an animal or stop pollution but by making people aware and interested in the fact of change; we could actually make a difference.
I like how you said that we can't make the world a better place. I agree because you can't make the world a better place. You have to be willing to change. I really do like your statement.