Monday, July 23, 2012

Ryan Harper & All things Media & Entertainment

Well Hello, my name is Ryan Harper. I am from a suburb of Los Angeles, Calif. I am 17 years old. I have a twin brother who attends the University of Arizona. I just recently moved to Chicago on July 1st and it has been such a great experience. I came to Chicago to get a change of energy. I think being in the same place for so long gives you a sense of comfort, but for me I felt limited - Limited because I knew that there’s a whole world out there to be discovered. Coming to Chicago, I received a lot of negativity from my family and friends. For a second I almost let the negativity stop me, but I said “you know what Ryan, if you let negativity intimidate you now, you always will”. So, I put on my tough shell and said I am going to live what I love. What I love is exploration, and taking risks. I believe everyone needs to take that one risk to open there eyes to what life really is. I had been planning to come to Chicago for over a year. That year consisted of a lot of research, planning, ups and downs but I made it here. My Mom didn’t believe I was ready to take such a huge step, so she made me do it all on my own and it’s something I am so proud of. I feel that I took the ultimate risk by coming to Chicago, by myself with little support. But, I did everything on my own terms, my way!
My majors are Marketing Communications and Management. As far as Marketing Communication goes, I would like to focus on the marketing and public relations fields. Management, I believe is a field that goes a long way, especially when the goal is to be your own boss. Throughout high school I have explored the fields I am planning to study through research, classes, and by participating in clubs. At first I thought I wanted to be a musician or an actor, but what I really wanted was to be behind the scenes, participating in the managerial and marketing aspects of the industry. I plan to start a full service PR / Marketing firm and also an Entertainment Management firm. My plans have no limits. I know that no one will live forever, but I will create something that will!

P.s I have a Fashion, Media & Entertainment blog ! Check it out. Also follow me on twitter @ryan_kardash


  1. Welcome to the Midwest! I know how you feel by saying you feel limited. I'm from Detroit and I became so restless. You're positivity is so inspiring to read! I have a feeling you will be really successful, due to just knowing you had the true motivation and passion to come all the way here to the Bridge program. Do you miss your twin? I always get so fascinated by people who have twin siblings lol.

    1. Thanks so much! I really do appreciate that.
      Yes I miss him so much! But we're closer now, so I guess it works!

  2. Wow, It seems like you went threw a lot to come in live in Chicago! I know that I need somebody like you around when I create my International fashion line. That's also cool that you have a twin brother. I hope I want get you to mix up. I will be around if you in need of anything!
