How do you define art? Well dictionary definition on is, “the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to
aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary
significance”. I think that this is so very true. I think it has to do with
what we do in everyday life. I think this definition has more depth than one
would see. Art isn’t just a pencil on paper, but rather a way to show the world
the inner beauty of their mind. Many people can and will argue that art does
not have a meaning. It’s easy to see that it does, people define it every day.

Art can include the
way we dress, the colors, the style, the textures. It can include our everyday hobbies
and activities; skating (all types), dancing, painting, drawing, music, even
the way we keep our hair. Any way we find to express ourselves is art. I myself dress a certain way. I express myself through my art and through skating . It releases me from the bounds of life, its feels as though i might fly away. Skating is another one of my forms of art. It beautiful to see how smooth and wavy someone can be. There are different styles of skating as well. Theres steeze, stiff, smooth, and clean. its interesting because everyones style is different.

Art is in the world around us. In nature we have different
colored trees and leaves, the way someone would mow their lawn. In Chicago, all
the parks and buildings, all designed by artists. It’s amazing to think of how
beautiful our world is, how much each and every one of use, express ourselves every
My book is a perfect example of expression. The book “The
Poured Fire on Us From the Sky”, in its self could be art. These three boys
wrote about their life and all the hard ships that they went through. They
expressed their feelings and their emotions so well throughout the book. They
go really deep into detail about every single event. It’s amazing to see what
they came from and how well they depicted their home.
I feel as though art does have a definition. I think as
people, as humans, we give it meaning every day. We show that it does have
definition in our lives.
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