How we can change the world
the world isn’t such an easy goal to set. In time little by little every action
you make effects those around you. I think that if I were to change the world I
would love to work with children. Helping feed the children even rescuing kids
from abusive families. I guess guidance is what I would do with them trying to
make them realize that they are worth more in this world. Working with kids is
a very happy thing that I did back in high school. We would volunteer in the elementary
schools and teach them to read and write. We would volunteer at the soup
kitchens and food pantries; hold Christmas charity events to raise money to buy
things they needed. I had a part time job in a womens safe home called A safe place. It was ahome for weomen who where in abusive relationships. basicaly the home shelters them for an amount of time with their children. they provide everything needed to get back their confidence and be able to move forward strong. I can’t help to watch someone so younger than me go through
so much pain, the reality is very haunting to me. When I was seven I saw those ads
they broadcast at twelve in the night, asking for help to save the children in India
and Africa. I cried and I cried I didn’t know why no one was there helping
them. That moment I swore that when I became older and had money I would support
every charity I could. I still want to keep my word but along the way start off
around where I can actually help in a physical way.
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