Who Is Michelle Orta?

The one thing that I would like everyone to know about me that I think is truly important is that I’m here if anyone needs me or needs anything ill help. Activities include roller-skating, playing the piano (even though I only know one song Mary had a little lam Ha!).

I am scared of beetles and birds they are so gross!
I Want to go skydiving and cliff diving and get tattoos in the future but not so many that my mom will have a heart attack. Recently I wanted to dye my hair cotton candy pink but my mom said that if I did she would chop my hair off when I was sleeping. I came to Columbia because to me there was no other school that understood what I wanted in my life and it was the only school I applied to so this is a big deal for me and I’m going to do whatever it takes to be here and give it my all.

I like how you randomly add things in there and then effortlessly go back to talking about what you want to do.