Whenever I watch television I am paying attention to the commercials
to see what I would change or I am trying to figure who they’re trying to
appeal to. Whenever I read a press release I am analyzing the way they word
things to figure out what’s the main point. When I see a billboard ad I start
thinking about if that ad is attractive enough to create attention around a
brand. Whenever I see an up and coming entertainer I am explaining to them what
I think they should do to shape their career or get a bigger fan base. Every
day I do things relate to my art of communications and management, and whether I
realize it or not it’s the choreography to my life, right?
So I ask
myself, how did this happen? How did I begin to do this choreography that now
is shaping the choreography that I’ll be doing for the rest of my life in my
career. I think it starts from my love for entertainment. Whenever one of my favorite
artists would release an album I would think about how I would market the album
in order for it to become successful. I would think about how I would get the
world to buy this album. I would not only think about success sales wise, I would
think about branding. How would I begin to brand this artist so that the people
who hadn’t bought this album would buy the next one? I would look at everything from the album cover to the first single released. I remember I would get so
angry when the artist didn’t promote the album the way I would have. Then I started
to point out all the flaws of their PR campaign and their marketing strategies.
In this sense I think the choreography would be getting up every morning to do
research on the artist. How were they preparing for the launch of their album? What
information were they giving to the public about their album? And I would do
this every day, and it became a routine for me.

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