Today I’d like to take the opportunity to write a letter of
thanks to Brad and Caitlynn. For the
record Brad, this does not count against my free write opportunity because this
has to do with bridge. J
I would
like to thank Brad and Caitlynn for many things they have done to help us in
the bridge program. We started the first day of bridge given our classroom and
teacher assignments not knowing what to expect from the teachers or the
program. As the students gathered we began to acquaint ourselves with one another
conversing about how we’d think our teachers would be. Most thought that we
were going to have those two teachers who were cool like ones we had in high
school but those teachers worked us to death. Some students not named Evan
thought we were going to have meant ones that were going to work us to death.
When Caitlynn first opened the door to the computer labs and started talking to
us and being nice, it was the first realization that we really were not in high
school anymore. We finally made it the majors, college. Were in the minors
preparing for our stint in the majors but this was our preparation and these
were our coaches.
and Caitlynn have been nothing but nice and easy to talk to teachers that we
had all hoped for the minute we stepped into the building. I want to start off
by thanking Caitlynn. Caitlynn has been with us all day, every day through
lectures and museum field trips giving us insight, helping us to think deeper,
and get us ready for classes at Columbia. Caitlynn is a Columbia professor so
she knows how classes usually are. Most of the time we may not be having discussions
in the park but there is that occasional class outside which is what makes
Columbia different from other places. Caitlynn also helps us on our homework
and proofreading it. She helps us identify our mistakes and improve on our
writing so it’s better in our future assignments. She has really helped me
improve a lot since the beginning of the program. I notice a lot less comma
mistakes and other grammar mistakes in my writing. Her writing background makes
it easier to learn from as opposed to some of my English teachers in high
school. Caitlynn has made a big impression on me but so has Brad.

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