The ending of last month and the beginning of this month I haven’t
been feeling so good. Everything seemed obsolete and I was unclear about
EVERYTHING! Emotionally stressed I guess you could say. My parents started to
go out more for their work, leaving us at home. I wasn’t really happy, maybe it
seemed like it but I wasn’t. Then the magical day came when my dad announced
that we were getting a puppy! My jaw dropped to the floor and I was speechless!
I use to have dogs before but the all had a tragic ending. ever since i coud remember i have always loved animals. seeing the way people treat their pets so harshly make me i always try to help.i remember my neighbor use to own seven baby chicks. one of them got run over two got eaten by cats one was never seen again one got stolen by a neighbors kid and the last two got flushed down the toilet. so when they told me that I was so antsy! I couldn’t
wait! The moment came when my brother walked in with an al white puppy cuddled
in my brothers red sweater (which by the way is his favorite blanket). He was
so scared he was shaky and scared and timid all he did the first day was sleep.
The next day he was more active we bathe him and he was even eating. I played
with him all day and night we even went to sleep together. He likes sleeping in a bear hat wich is adorable!

Animals have always been a part of my life; I would say that
I have a deep connection with them. They feel like a best friend. They never
make u feel un-loved and it’s an amazing feeling. We named my dog momo and he’s
the best thing that’s happened to me so far. It’s like we rescued him but in
reality he saved us from ourselves. When I mean us I’m talking about my two
younger brothers my oldest brother and my little sister. I’ve discovered that
my dog is conceded I swear every time he passes a mirror he can’t help but take
five minutes and look at himself. He recently
started to bark he has the cutest bark ever! He climbed the stairs on his own
for the first time yesterday! He can’t go down but he can go up. I don’t know
maybe I’m a little obsessed with him but he makes me happy.
The cutest thing that he loves doing but it’s the one thing I
hate! Is when he goes into my room for naps. He cuddles with all the stuffed
animals and when I try to find him I can’t. It’s so frustrating. We’re trying
to potty train him and he won’t seem to co-operate with us. He still hasn’t
seen the outside yet, being that my god sisters vet tech boyfriend said he
needs to get shoots first so that will be coming this week. I’m glad that we
got momo to be a part of my family because everything seems a little bit
brighter nowadays.