Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Reality TV!

  Entertainment news and reality TV are the it thing everyone has a guilty pleasure of indulging in. It’s like a delicious cupcake you shouldn’t be eating after you had pasta and bread but yet you still want it. Realities TV shows are the only thing that is on each network. Even the Oprah-OWN network has reality TV shows. Reality TV shows are the cheapest to produce. Reality TV shows are a glimpse to show their fans or the people who are curious about their lifestyle. Most networks had a viewer increase, like E! Network. The network has been around for ten years, but their ratings increase tremendously with their hit show-‘Keeping up with the Kardashin.” That what lead them in to “stars.” Even though everyone can contest that they have absolutely NO TALENT. They are just an open book family. Yet, with most of the country dislike their “fame” it is still up and running. Even you want to know whose Kim current lover at the moment, all you have to do is just watch the show. Which leads in to her “fame” marriage to her separate husband Kris Humphries. The country knew it wouldn’t last because they didn’t even know each other. Yes, I did watch that episode and it was HILARIOUS. I have never seen such an opposite couple on TV of course. Only thing I liked about the horrible mess was the reception. The food looked amazing-definitely that wedding cake. After watching a few episodes, I come to the conclusion that they are just attention, money hungry losers.  Now she is moved on to a rapper, Kanye West. I can that disaster before it happened. My suggestion to Kim is be careful about the break up because he’s known for expressing his feelings on Grammy speeches. Looked at Taylor Swift acceptance speech for  an example. They say they don’t want to be in the public eye, but yet they are still doing season after season. I always wonder when you see them in magazines-how do the paparazzi know their location before THEY GET THERE? Do they tweet where they’re going? Without that show, they would just be a valley girls folding clothes at their over price upscale boutique.  

There has been currenty 76 reality TV shows and there definelty more to come!

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