The best learning experience from bridge program is to be specific.
As I mention before, I’m adjusted to getting to the point. I never really had
to be detail before. Now every time I write, it’s easier for me to me specific.
The author of the book was extremely visual. It will be pages and pages for one
descriptions on the things they seen, or heard. I took that as writing experience.
Also with this bridge program I found
new people to talk to. I also learned valuable lesson in this program. One is
the marketing lecture, every day your marketing yourself, without you knowing
it. Her W.I.I.F.M. was something I took from her because it’s true. Our attention span is only last five seconds. We
just want to know, what’s in it for me to keep me interesting. That’s should be
our generation slogan.
reading the lost boys book, I was excited to read about how they overcome their
situation. While reading this book, I didn’t think they would make it to
America. Reasons for that is the age. They were kids-seven or ten years old. Even
the adults didn’t make it as far. They survived hunger which will is hard to do
for me. How could you not eat for days? I can’t even last three hours without
snacking on something. They grooming was none existed. I’m accustomed to taking
showers every day and not taking one for months will feel gross. I can’t even phantom
that feeling. The feeling of fear would have taken me out the game for sure. Wondering
where you’re going to sleep or walk to a safe destination. The fear of trying
not to be being killed or eaten by an animal. I knew I wouldn’t have made it. The lost boys are indeed fantastic and they
should get more credit to them.

Also adding in one thing I didn’t care for too much is the library.
I didn’t like how we have to take elevators just to find one book. Each floor
has its own section of books. There is nothing fun about a library. It’s just
books and books and you can’t’ talk. Overall, I found it boring.

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