Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Lil Bit O Dog. READ!!

So today we have a free day to talk about whatever we want. I decided to talk about my dog. I think I was about eight years old when we first babysat the whole litter. They were all so lively and cute. She was the runt of the litter, so small and completely white. She was the mean one haha. She would pick on all of the other dogs; it was funny to watch because they were all bigger than her. So we watched the litter for a week and during that week we took them for walks, they destroyed everything their little mouths touched, and we cleaned up a lot, a LOT of poop. So we all had our own the ones that we loved the most, it was so hard to give them back. About a week later I was being picked up from summer camp and it just so happened to be my birthday. When I came out to my surprise we had the one we named Lil Bit. The reason we named her this was because she was a Lil Bit O dog. She was beautiful; I remember how excited and happy I was.

so we got her because the litter was being sold around the U.S. not many people want to buy the runt of the litter and because she was my sister and moms favorite we got her. So because we got her as a pup she obviously needed training. We began small and went big. We started with sit which she got right way, then stay which took her a bit longer, then paw, which was a pain because she didn’t like when we lifted her legs to clean her paws. Luckily now I don’t even have to say paw, when they get muddy, she walks in sits down raises a paw and waits for me to start cleaning.

She has gotten me through some tough times. She’s seen the best and worst of me, and she knows how to make me feel better. If my door is closed or locked she will scratch at it to get in. if she knows im not feeling good she will either come lay next to me or lick my face. When living with my mom I felt like she just understood the situation that I was in. there’s one personal thing that I taught her thatshe doesn’t do for anyone else. I taught her how to stand up and dance with me. With her paws over my shoulders and head resting on one of her paws we do a little slow dance. Her tail wags like crazy, she loves it.

She is such a loving dog. Even as a pup she has never bit at a person. Even when playing or giving her a treat she’s very cautious. When playing always grabs the very end of the stick, and when it comes to eating she will rarely eat from someone’s hand. What she does is barely grabs the very end of what you are giving her, and barley opens her mouth. She has this unique way of sitting too. She takes both hind legs and sticks them straight out her back end.

To this day every time I walk through that door she runs up to me sniffs me sits, and waits for me to give her some loving. Even at age eleven, she still runs around the yard like she’s three, she still plays like she’s two, and still loves unconditionally.

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