How does your art “choreograph” your life?
Thinking about what factors play into my life portrays the
story I live day to day; when I consider art in a dance form, I believe the
body’s movements show what type of pain or pleasure one has experienced. As a
dancer, I take the word “choreography” very seriously; but it’s taking that
definition and using it towards every minute of each day which is the definer
to what my art is by who I really am.
My passion drives me to work hard; I wouldn’t have spent
over twenty hours a week at my studio and sacrifice a social life if dancing
wasn’t something I wanted to do. It’s my true art, not just my passion. With
our blog post from the other day, “It’s not about how much time you put into
your art; it’s about how much art you put into your time,” I put as much dance
in my everyday routine as possible because that’s how much my art pushes me to
do what I love.
I could go anywhere in Wisconsin to study Fashion; but with
the reputation Columbia has, I chose to come here because I want to put the art
of Fashion in my life, as much as I do with dance. Coming here isn’t an easy
thing for me where it may be for others. I get overwhelmed with the amount of
things there are to do, with the disgraceful amount of homeless people there
are just sitting out there day after day, begging for money on the streets; it’s
all new to me but I don’t want to just give up because everything that pushes
me to be here is what I want to see myself do for the rest of my life. My art.
My art creates me to think the way I do, to walk the way I
do, to dress the way I do, to talk about whatever it is I talk about; from my
art, I have lived every day the way I should have. It has, in a way, “choreographed”
my life, from past to present, and for the future; the art I create has made me
and my life in a way I never even thought it could.
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