Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dunkin Donuts

I did a smart thing by waiting till today for my free response blog, because it’s better to get the hard task done before the easy one. Other people have to actually think of a topic and worry about it where I get my open and free blog. With that, I am going to talk about my breakfast today. In high school, I don’t think I ever ever ate breakfast, because I would always be rushing to get out of the house. But I have to take the train every day to come here, because I live in the suburbs and the train is semi close. I did not want to get a dorm here early because I did not want to leave my friends yet. But every day, I’ve been downtown at 9ish, giving me an hour or so for breakfast.
         My favorite place I went to so far was Dunkin Donuts. I have been there before many times and is my favorite doughnut place, but I don’t usually get it as often as I have been getting it. Every day I go in and get two chocolate doughnuts (with sprinkles), a vanilla long john and chocolate milk. This might actually be why I am in good moods and awake this early, where in high school I was tired and grumpy all the time. I used to love strawberry doughnuts though; I had always liked them ever since my dad would bring them home from work from time to time. I started getting the chocolate doughnuts recently however, and they are now my favorite breakfast. 
            Something that has stuck out while I have been there are two things. One is that they have an AWESOME radio station playing. From Led Zeppelin to Pink Floyd to AC/DC to Jimi Hendrix, they have played countless classic hits. Another thing is some poor guy is always asking people to buy him breakfast. Everyday he’s in their telling people “hey buy me something”. Seems like a bad approach for a beggar, even though you knew he’s getting food and not drugs or anything.
            They always say you need a good breakfast to start off the day. I would never have the time to get it before school, and as a result I was not in a good learning mode. I also found my new favorite type of doughnut. In order to be alert and ready for the day, you need to have something good in your stomach. I had always thought I didn’t need the breakfast, but now I couldn’t even think about not having it.


  1. i love strawberry donuts! the only donut I will ever eat!

    1. that's how I used to be, but chocolate is so where its at

  2. i got hungry reading this ! lol
