Wednesday, August 15, 2012


So today I learned that they added the word f-bomb to the dictionary. Growing up the F-bomb meant the word fuck; I guess I just don’t understand the point of putting a substitute word in the dictionary. The definition of that word will only make fourth graders laugh. Webster allows just words to be put in the dictionary like F-bomb that will be a part of the English language forever, but we still have to have a trail, to figure out if George Zimmerman is guilty? You know it’s a funny world.

                I don’t know why I find this new fact so interesting, maybe because it’s just something to write about. The fact still remains that, Webster’s is allowing so funny words to just slip into the dictionary. When I was little I use to ask my mom how I spell a word. She would respond by telling me to go look it up in the dictionary.  If I would have known that I would run across words like F-Bomb I might t have like looking words up in the dictionary for fun? Webster has been around for a long time, and I just wonder what would make the committee that runs Webster to think and converse on actually putting the word F-Bomb in their dictionary.  


noun \ˈef-ˌbäm\

Definition of F-BOMB

: the word fuck —used metaphorically as a euphemism <accidentally dropped an f–bomb on television — Timothy Kurkjian>

First Known Use of F-BOMB


What made you want to look up f-bomb? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).

                This has just shown me again what life brings you; sometimes you just got to laugh at it. Webster is so old they probably just wanted to spice things up a little bit. I guess if they allow the F-bomb to be put in the dictionary, they will let little phrases like LOL, or TMI get put in there as well. I really think that Webster should reconsider putting that in there, although it might be too late. I just don’t see the need to look up the word F-bomb, for any reason.

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