How does your art “choreograph”
your life?
Hmmmm. After reading this I instantly thought that my art
choreographs my life by how when I can just walk outside or into a place and
see an area where it would be a perfect place to just drop everything and start
filming the nice angles, or the people walking outside. For example when I was
at school one day I walked out the cafeteria building and seeing the fences up
because they were doing construction and the trees behind them with the sun
rising was such a beautiful sight and I immediately thought to myself that
would be a perfect angle and setting to film. I was kind of upset that I didn’t
have a camera to capture this moment.

I have a lot of moments like this and I always
think to myself I can’t wait to have my own camera so I can then capture all of
these moments because with as many moments that I have had I probably could’ve had
a movie made by now! With times like that it makes me know that my art is my
life and it choreographs it all the time.
I really liked this