How does my art choreograph my life? Tough
question in my opinion, although I am the one who suggested the topic it is a
very difficult answer. My art is writing. Writing drives my life right now. I
need to write and take notes during school. I also need to write down my
schedule to put in to my phone or iPad. Writing is almost a part of my life in
every way except sleeping and eating. Writing has shaped me into a person who cannot
talk about anything without elaborating on it as if I am a teacher or
professor. Writing has also turned me into a creative person. Writing has
shaped me into the person I am today. Some people may think I am weird or odd
because I can think of these crazy scenarios or stories but I think that is
what drives my creativity. Without writing in my life, I feel like I would be
uniform, or just like anyone else with a job just trying to live nice.
Writing helps me
throughout the day. Writing down things I have planned or to get accomplished
for the day is important. I have good memory but I often forget deadlines so
writing things down in a planner or calendar really helps me. I do not journal
but I do like to write down the little stories in my head that I think about. I
also like to write down things that are troubling me. It is a good a way to relieve
stress. Writing is a big reason of who I am today.
Writing has shaped into a person who can speak
their mind. I am able to put my feelings down on paper or speak how I feel
about anything. Writing got me out of my shell. Even though still today I am
somewhat shy, I still am able to express my feelings. When I started writing my
scary night stories in my early years it really got me into creating as many
stories as my imagination wanted. I would write out 7 to 8 page horror stories
by hand as a fourth grader writing about vampires and werewolves. The show Teen
Wolf that comes on MTV on Mondays really reminded me of my work from back in
the day and got me back into writing fictional stories. I feel like without
writing in my life I would be uniform, just like everyone else, which my
character Mark wants to avoid.

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