How does art choreograph my life?
Since I can remember I’ve always loved the smell of crayons!
I think any kid would too. But the thing is I still love the smell of crayons! I’m
not the only one in my family that has this creativity burning inside. Most of
my family almost all has an artistic advantage. My dad he was in a band also he
is an artist by his own time. Meaning that he draws only when he wants, not
when you tell him to. All my brothers and my one sister, we all draw and create
things with our hands. I think I was very blessed to grow up in a family that
has so much imagination and creativity. The way that my families creative side
had an impact on my life, is that there was never a wrong in anything that I made
growing up. There was always a go do more and that’s great! That feeling of
even if it’s bad go try again and again. thats basically were it started for me. I was a natural born artist. literally!

My older
brother and me we grew up one year apart from each other. We were always so
close, even now we still are. He helped me improve my drawing abilities and myself
growth as a person. My art would have never improved, grown on its own if he
was never there with me. As you can tell from the picture he is also an artist.
He’s my favorite artist in secret. He already works for a company that has
grown and is growing. He does incredible things with a pencil. A lot of my
inspiration to pursue my art comes from watching him. He struggles every day
trying to work in that kind of industry, and he’s always telling me if you love
something don’t be scared to go get it. You are the only person who can keep
you from what you want in life. we watch documentories about art, we go looking for street art when we come across it. its a bond.
The way
my art effects my life, is that I’ve grown up with so little that it makes me
want to accomplish so much. I want to be able to wake up every morning, tired
and mad wanting to go back to sleep, but being happy because I know what I will
be doing that day will be what I love to do. I want to be able to give back to those who
gave me so much. To show the ones who said I couldn’t do it, that I did. To make
those who believed in me proud. it motivation that shapes my art. to constantly want more for my self, and for others.
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