I am the type of person if I’m uncomfortable
I tend to shy away like a turtle in its shell. I don’t deal well with
awkwardness, if I’m not comfortable with where I am or who I’m with; I am not
me. I don’t say much, I don’t do a lot of things that draw attention, so, I try
to keep my existence down to like a zero. It is sad to say but very true. In the
lecture yesterday, I could really relate to what the guy was saying. When he
went to Northwestern and was put in a classroom with these super intelligent
people, he felt kind of intimidated by the amount of knowledge that they knew,
verses his small town education that he was used to. I definitely feel the same
way when I came here to bridge.
When I first walked in here I had the intentions
of opening up to new experiences and new people but it was the total opposite. When
we had our first discussion everyone sounded SO smart, it kind of made me feel
like if I open my mouth something stupid might come out, so I decided to keep
to quiet. You know that feeling when you are put in a position to do something
and the person before you does and amazing job, and you’re thinking “How do I compete
with that?” That is exactly how I feel in this class; I know it’s not a competition
of who is smarter, but you don’t want to be the dumb one in the situation. Where
I went to school most of the people I knew didn’t even think on the level that
some of the people in this class does, and I respect that, but it opens up a
whole new world for me and what I know. I don’t know if I was properly prepared
for this but I’m ready to see what this college thing has in store for me.
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