Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 7

Well I guess I could start off this one by saying my art choreographs my life, and also my future because it is going to be something that’s going to be with me for the rest of my life. It also helps with a lot of my moods, l paint when I’m angry and it puts me a better place. When I video edit I get lost in the movie that I am creating, when I make small edits of skating, I feel like I am actually there doing everything in slow motion.

 Video editing was what really made me want to come to Columbia. When I skate or even when I am just filming to have extra clips for the future, I get lost in the moment as I look through the eye hole, time stops and I am into whatever I am filming. It was great in the past to have that to escape to, and I knew it would have an impact on my life. Unfortunately I can’t go to any of the classes for a year or two because I can’t afford the mac that we are required to purchase, but luckily I am well versed and will be able to take other forms of art like painting.

painting all through high school was the one class I looked forward to. It also allowed me to take higher learning levels of art, helping me progress through high school and opening up new doors for my future. Painting got me extremely interested in Columbia. There is such a diverse community here, and I feel with the right people and the right motivation, I will get the right inspiration to jump start my actual artistic career. The people themselves with what they wear, the way they talk and their back ground would give me something to paint.


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