Wednesday, August 1, 2012


It has puzzled people since the beginning of time.  The Greeks they substituted the everyday things like the sea for the god, Poseidon. Lighting and thunder for god Zeus who is said to control these elements. But why must we put these things in place, just so we can explain them. Everyone wants answers to the things they don’t understand so they make up their beliefs. Man is an interesting creature wanting to know all of creation. But at times we are bamboozled for events that occur in the planet. Trying to explain how the planet came to be so say because of the big bang which created others ponder to this event.

Religion has made a big impact in the thoughts of man some believe that we were created by just two beings Adam and Eve. But then it makes you think we must all be related in a way. That this might of god decides the outcome of the world. To explain the end of the world the biblical studies mention that of Armageddon when heaven and hell collide to decide the fate of the world. But who really knows what is going to happen but this event lets man some ease since they know what’s coming and prepare for it.

Science has tried to explain the end of man and the creation of man. Science believes that man descended from the Ape. Our structures are very similar to one another so they say. At times scientist believe that world will come to an end from some sort of natural disaster. The Dinosaurs are said to have been destroyed by comet. And there are many other beliefs to their end. They say man might fall to this form of destruction as well. But who really knows we might bring our own destruction by wars. We just have to wait and see for this event.     

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