Wednesday, August 1, 2012


       As human beings we all have a curiosity for things we don’t understand. We want to figure out, and analyze things until we find the answers to what we are looking for. We try and look for answers within churches, within other people, and within ourselves. But, what is it that makes us so curious? We are all looking for answers and the next best thing that gives people that satisfaction and that validation is religion. Knowing that people can find an answer to how we came about? Or, why are we here? Makes them feel like they have a purpose or a meaning to why they are here.

        It’s not all about religion, as a young teen of today’s society; pop culture has had a huge influence on the craze of things abnormal and supernatural. From vampires, wolfs, and ghost all the way down to zombies and fairies. We find them interesting, and seeing something out of the ordinary like that triggers this sense of curiosity. I mean I don’t think people just all of a sudden one day just think of things like that. There has to be some hidden truth about something. Or, it could be and old exaggerated story that has been altered and fixed into these crazy abnormal reasoning’s of today. You all remember being little and your mom and dad telling you about all Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, and then as you grew a little older and realized they were all made up, it ended up being disappointing. What if there is some truth to these holiday characters. Or maybe it isn’t who knows. We are interested in these things that we can’t understand because we want to figure out why they don’t come as easy as an addition problem, we want to figure out why we can’t solve this problem called curiosity.

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