Wednesday, August 1, 2012

day 6

“Why are we interested in things we don’t understand?” this one is tough, because asking this questions means you have to dig deeper into the human mind. As babies, we are new to this world. We are curious about the world around us. “What is this new place?” or “why and I here?”, “what is our sole purpose as humans on this earth? Those are questions that I’m sure no one in this earth can answer, but I think those questions are what drive our minds to constantly want to know more. We as humans are curious about the world around us. We always want to have answers not only for other people, but for ourselves. We create and discover new things every day because of this drive.

To me personally, I know these questions wander in my mind every day. Yet every day I learn something new. Whether it be at school or a day in the regular world, my mind is always searching for something new. My curiosity has always gotten me in trouble, and even a couple of times hurt. In school I was the one who asked all the dumb questions. Not to be annoying or because I was slow, but because I wanted to know all the answers all the way down the microscopic answer.

There’s one time, at the age of seven, the first time I ever actually had to go to the hospital, I had shot myself in the head with a nail gun. I was out side in the back yard of my incompetent babysitter’s house and I stumbled into a small tool room in the basement. I found this new “toy” and I didn’t know what it was. Luckily the nail gun that I had was a less powerful and had smaller nails then an industrial one and it was mobile. It being mobile meant I could carry it around and play with it like an actual gun, it also meant that it was batter powered. So wondering way my new toy wasn’t working, I pointed it at my face and switched off the safety by accident. Pulling the trigger I found that I had just shot myself just above my left eye. Screaming and crying my mother was called and I was rushed to the hospital. I was put to sleep and woke up in the bed with my mom screaming at me, asking me what the hell I was thinking and my dad lying next to me. I remember laughing and going back to sleep.  Not one of the smartest things I have ever done but it was a learning experience. Haha

There is one great example in the book I am reading, They Poured Fire, there is a great example of the three boys curiosity. Walking through California they stop ate at a fast food place, and one of the boys were trying out all the flavors of dipping sauce. It’s simple but an example of their curiosity.

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