Thursday, August 2, 2012

Your art determines your life

You are controlled by your art. You don’t just pick up a guitar pick or paint brush or camera and just do your art. In a way, your art calls to you. At any given moment throughout the day, a creative explosion can occur. Now, this is not a real explosion, that’s just the way it comes to me. Even right now, I would love to get on a drum set right now and just create. If I was not in this class right now, I would most likely be sleeping, but if I were up and not in this class, I would be making music. That is the way my art choreographs my life. I have said in some of my papers that I play guitar or any instrument every day. It is just something that I need to do to feel like it was a normal day. The same goes for other art forms. If an artist is stuck in class when this happens, they can just doodle around. I often find myself tapping either my feet or my pen or anything in my hand.

My friend Luke, and myself
             Me coming to Columbia was also another move my art guided me to do. If I never found my true art, I would have never thought about this school. I would have never made a band with my friend who told me about Columbia, because I would have never made that friend. For the most part, your art guiding you seems to always be for the best. Sometimes it got in the way of school work and even hanging out with friends. My school work would suffer because my art was “guiding” me away from doing it. It never really got out of hand, but I know sometimes it should have good school, then making music.
             Where is my art going to take me next? I cannot say for sure, but hopefully it won’t take me away from school work. I need to be able to balance out the fun and exciting things I do and my school work, which actually seems interesting this year because it all kind of has to do with my art. If my art continues to guide me, I could wind up opening up a recording studio, maybe in Chicago or maybe in L.A.  All I know for sure is that I am happy with what I’m doing, and if you are happy with your work, you can be happy the rest of your life.

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